Word of the Day
evince |
Definition: | (verb) To show or demonstrate clearly; manifest. |
Synonyms: | express, show |
Usage: | The baby couldn”t tell us she disliked the cereal, but she evinced her distaste by grimacing. |
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Match Up
DobermanThe Doberman is a breed of domestic dog that is commonly used as a guard dog, watch dog, or police dog. Loyal and intelligent, these dogs are suitable for families with young children. Though Dobermans are born with long tails, they generally undergo docking, a procedure in which the majority of the tail is surgically removed within days of birth. Dobermans were first bred in Germany in the 1890s by Louis Dobermann, a tax collector. What breeds contributed to the dog”s gene pool? More…
The Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor (1941)The Imperial Japanese Navy”s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii, severely damaged or demolished 12 American warships, destroyed 188 aircraft, and killed 2,403 American servicemen and 68 civilians. The following day, the US declared war on Japan. Pearl Harbor is now a national historic landmark; a memorial has been built over the sunken hulk of the USS Arizona. How many Japanese planes reached Oahu on the morning of the attack? More…
Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598)Bernini was the pre-eminent Italian Baroque artist, sculptor, painter, and architect—the arbiter of public taste in 17th century Rome. Among his best-known sculptures, which combine white and colored marbles with bronze and stucco, are the Ecstasy of St. Teresa in the Cornaro Chapel and the David at the Borghese Gallery. Bernini also designed the magnificent bronze baldachin, or canopy, inside St. Peter”s Basilica. His portrait appeared on what unit of currency? More…
Iconic Movie Costume Sets Record at AuctionThe black Givenchy dress worn by Audrey Hepburn in the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany”s sold for close to $1 million at Christie”s yesterday. The dress, one of three
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【關於作者】艾瑪 | amarylliss 台灣第一位全職旅遊部落客受邀出國旅遊超過百次(受邀列表),1996年起於台大椰林BBS自助旅行版(Tour Abroad)發表旅遊心得並擔任版主,2000年起於明日報/ANYWAY旅遊網分享旅遊心得,2003年起任艾瑪隨處走走部落格格主至今,從無名小站至痞客邦,目前回歸個人部落格持續經營;更詳細網路書寫歷史請參考關於我。聯繫、合作或邀約請聯繫:amarylliss@gmail.com |