1/28 philomath | n. 愛好學問者;研究數學者
1/4 ostentatious
豪華的;鋪張的 (人)炫耀的,賣弄的
Definition: (adjective) Intended to attract notice and impress others. Synonyms: pretentious, showy Usage: His ostentatious displays of wealth did nothing to impress his neighbors, who were proud of their middle-class status.
1/3bathos n. 陳腐, 矯揉造作
Definition: (noun)Insincere or grossly sentimental pathos. Synonyms: mawkishness Usage: The opera”s conclusion was emotional to the point of bathos, with the soprano dying heroically to save her lover.
1/2 phantasmagoric
幻想的 / 幻影似的;幻覺的 / 幽靈的
Definition: (adjective) Characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions. Synonyms: surrealistic Usage: The phantasmagoric imagery, with melting clocks and unreal landscapes, is what attracts many to Salvador Dali”s work.
1/1 dilettante
n. (藝術等的)一知半解者;美術的愛好者;業餘愛好者
a. 淺薄的;愛好藝術的;業餘的Definition: (noun) A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge. Synonyms: amateur, sciolist, dabbler Usage: He claimed to be serious about his paintings, but he was at heart a mere dilettante.
12/31 hieratic
a. 神職的;神職人員用的
Definition: (adjective) Of or associated with sacred persons or offices; a cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics used especially by the priests; extremely formal or stylized, as in a work of art. Synonyms: priestly, sacerdotal Usage: The figures in Byzantine paintings are arranged in hieratic compositions, used as symbols for religious truths rather than true representations.
12/30 red herring
n. 1. 燻青魚 2. 轉移注意力的話(或事物)
Definition: (noun) Something that draws attention away from the central issue. Synonyms: digression, diversion, deflection Usage: The detective explained that the mysterious letter had been only a red herring, having no real connection to the crime.
12/29 intaglio
n. 陰刻;凹雕玉石;凹刻印刷;凹模
vt. 凹雕;凹刻Definition: (noun) A figure or design carved into or beneath the surface of hard metal or stone; a printing process that uses an etched or engraved plate. Synonyms: diaglyph, gravure Usage: The intaglio print was so incredibly detailed that it almost looked like a photograph.
12/27 confabulate
1. 談論
2. 【心】虛談,虛構Definition: (verb) To talk casually; in psychology, to fill in gaps in one”s memory with fabrications that one believes to be facts. Synonyms: chat, confer, natter Usage: Three old friends met in a café to confabulate together.
1. 兩分;分裂;二分法
2. 叉狀分枝
3. 弦月Definition: (noun) Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions. Synonyms: duality Usage: One of the novel”s themes is the dichotomy of eastern and western culture.
1. 福音傳播者
2. (大寫)福音書的作者Definition: (noun) Any one of the authors of the four New Testament gospel books: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John; one who practices evangelism, especially a Protestant preacher or missionary. Synonyms: gospeler, preacher Usage: The medieval Bible had elaborate full-page illustrations of each of the Evangelists, done in the style of Roman author portraits.
1. 【化】乙醚;醚
2. 【物】以太[the~]
3. 【文】太空,蒼穹[the ~]Definition: (noun) The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets. Synonyms: heavens, medium, quintessence Usage: I dreamt that I rose higher and higher, until I was flying through the ether towards the stars.
12/19 carcass
1. (動物的)屍體
2. (除臟去頭備食用的)畜體
3. 【口】【貶】(人的)屍首;軀體
4. (車、船、房屋等的)骨架,殘骸
Definition: (noun) The dead body of an animal, especially one slaughtered for food. Synonyms: body, carcase Usage: After a few hours, the hunter returned with the carcass of a deer slung over his shoulder.
vt. 拋棄(情人) n. 拋棄情人者(尤指女子)
Definition: (verb) To deceive or drop (a lover) suddenly or callously. Synonyms: cast aside, leave Usage: Since being jilted by his fiancl he had grown to distrust all women.
1. 【醫】萎縮;發育停止;虛脫
2. 【植】減縮,萎縮vt. vi.
Definition: (noun) A wasting or decrease in size of a body organ, tissue, or part owing to disease, injury, or lack of use Synonyms: wasting away, wasting Usage: Sheila suffered from muscular atrophy and was confined to a wheelchair.
Definition: (noun) Damage, harm, or loss. Synonyms: expense, hurt, impairment Usage: Her employers were understanding, and she was able to take a long leave of absence without detriment to her career.
Definition: (adjective) Of or relating to merchants or trade. Synonyms: moneymaking, commercial Usage: While the nation”s farmers faced a depression, mercantile enterprises flourished.
Definition: (adverb) To or toward that place. Synonyms: there Usage: The bell has a tone that is wondrous sweet; let us stroll thither, and examine the matter nearer.
Definition: (noun) A playful leap or hop; a frivolous escapade or prank. Synonyms: antic, frolic, romp Usage: The child”s playfulness was amusing at first, but they soon grew tired of his capers.
12/9 (contretemps)
n. 意外事故,不合適宜,令人尷尬的事,不幸的
[法] 不幸的意外事故;令人尷尬的事
[音] 切分音法
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【關於作者】艾瑪 | amarylliss 台灣第一位全職旅遊部落客受邀出國旅遊超過百次(受邀列表),1996年起於台大椰林BBS自助旅行版(Tour Abroad)發表旅遊心得並擔任版主,2000年起於明日報/ANYWAY旅遊網分享旅遊心得,2003年起任艾瑪隨處走走部落格格主至今,從無名小站至痞客邦,目前回歸個人部落格持續經營;更詳細網路書寫歷史請參考關於我。聯繫、合作或邀約請聯繫:[email protected] |