[Bali2007] Hello from The Dusun Villa

[0321] @The Dusun Villa Office

This is the last day before I go back Taiwan.
Wonderful SPAs eaveryday may make a serials reports after going back. 
Although it”s the end of the rainy season, it didn”t rain a single day.
So lucky we are!

It”s really a relaxing holiday with family.
There”re many to share with you all just wait for me.




【關於作者】艾瑪 | amarylliss

台灣第一位全職旅遊部落客受邀出國旅遊超過百次(受邀列表),1996年起於台大椰林BBS自助旅行版(Tour Abroad)發表旅遊心得並擔任版主,2000年起於明日報/ANYWAY旅遊網分享旅遊心得,2003年起任艾瑪隨處走走部落格格主至今,從無名小站至痞客邦,目前回歸個人部落格持續經營;更詳細網路書寫歷史請參考關於我聯繫、合作或邀約請聯繫:[email protected]

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2 thoughts on “[Bali2007] Hello from The Dusun Villa”

  1. 在雨季裡卻沒遇到下雨天,真的好幸運呀!
    感覺又是個美好的family trip..
    期待一連串"Wonderful Spa"的精采分享囉!
    Welcome Home!!

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